About us
Founded in 1995 by Member of Parliament Charles-Eugène Marin, Explorama: Sea, Mountains and Wonders was, at the time, dedicated to introducing visitors to the wonders of the Gaspé Peninsula. The centre interpreted the sea, the mountains, culture and Gaspesian history.
In 2004, Explorama began a major shift towards scientific museology and marine sciences.
Today, Exploramer, Discovering the Sea is a museum institution recognized by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec and its mission is to raise public awareness about conservation and knowledge of the St. Lawrence marine ecosystem.
As part of its general mission, Exploramer's objects are as follows:
- To establish and maintain a living collection of St. Lawrence marine species;
- To raise awareness and educate the public about the St. Lawrence through museal and interactive activities;
- To raise awareness and educate visitors on the protection of the St. Lawrence through activities at sea and on the shoreline;
- To offer an educational program linked to the official school program;
- To contribute to the scientific education of young people through a scientific competition;
- To contribute to the professionalization of students in the fields related to the mission;
- To operate and manage the Smarter Seafood Program for the enhancement of seafood products;
- To provide, administer and maintain a high quality museum institution.
Board of directors
Yves de Lafontaine
Scientist-manager President
Sylvain Tangay
Vice-presidentMarc-Antoine Deroy
Secretary-TreasurerRachel Léger
Retired Director of the Montreal Biodome AdministratorAriane Lévesque
Representative of the City of Sainte-Anne-des-Monts AdministratorMarie-Hélène Rondeau
AdministratorPermanent Team
Sandra Gauthier
Executive Director sandra.gauthier@exploramer.qc.ca 418-763-2500 ext.235Mathieu Lemonde Landry
Living collection Supervisor mathieu.lemonde-landry@exploramer.qc.ca 418-763-2500 ext.222Élizabeth Simard
Interpretation Coordinator interpretation@exploramer.qc.ca 418-763-2500 ext.225Marie-Maude Gamache
Museology projects Coordinator musee@exploramer.qc.ca 418-763-2500 ext.221Gabriel Leduc
Museology Assistant adj.musee@exploramer.qc.ca 418-763-2500 ext.237Pascale Waymel
Marketing and Sales Manager marketing@exploramer.qc.ca 418-763-2500 ext.227Jessica Belzile
Smarter Seafood Coordinator fourchette.bleue@exploramer.qc.ca 418-763-2500 ext.236

Élodie Bernier
Administrative assistant administration@exploramer.qc.ca 418-763-2500 ext.223Clotilde Flechel
Communications and social media officer communication@exploramer.qc.ca 418-763-2500 ext.230Ronald Servant
Ship CaptainPatrice Henley
Over the past few years, Exploramer has received numerous awards for all its activities:
- 2005 Tourism Industry Award at the Gala de la Reconnaissance Desjardins, Chambre de commerce de la Haute-Gaspésie;
- 2007 Tourism Industry Award at the Gala de la Reconnaissance Desjardins, Chambre de commerce de la Haute-Gaspésie;
- 2008 Tourist Attraction Award at the Grands Prix régionaux du tourisme, Association touristique de la Gaspésie;
- 2008 Silver Award, Tourist Attraction of less than 100 000 visitors at the Grands Prix nationaux du tourisme, Tourisme Québec;
- 2008 Excellence Award, Museum institution with a budget between $500,000 and $2 million, Société des musées québécois;
- 2010 Sustainable Tourism Award at the Grands Prix régionaux du tourisme, Association touristique de la Gaspésie;
- Phénix de l'Environnement - sustainable consumption 2010, Ministère de l'Environnement du Québec;
- 2010 Québec corporate citizen Award, magazine l'Actualité;
- 2014 Environmental Excellence Award, Conseil régional de l'environnement Gaspésie- Îles de la Madeleine.
- Nomination Company or Initiative of the Year for Smarter Seafood - 2018 - Gala Les Lauriers de la gastronomie québécoise
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