I, the St.Lawrence
Rich in animal and
plant biodiversity, I, the St. Lawrence, I am the offspring of numerous
geographical, physical, and chemical phenomena. Come meet the species of
crustaceans, fish, mollusks, and various others that reside within me.
Evolution is a constant process that shapes each of us.
Through this
exhibition, I, the St. Lawrence, unveil my secrets
Tentacles and Company
Discover tentacled animals with superpowers that will charm young and old!
Octopuses, squids, and jellyfish have long fascinated humans. Thanks to this playful exhibit, you will pierce the secrets of their spectacular intelligence and learn more about their essential role in marine biodiversity as well as in the natural and cultural Canadian history. With interactive games, films, photos, and sculptures, discover more about tales, legends, environmental challenges, and scientific research surrounding these tentacled animals.
This exhibition was created by the Musée du Fjord.
The presentation of “Tentacles and Company” was made possible thanks to the participation of Canadian Heritage.
Startling creatures. When science rivals fiction
Fact or fiction : Is the northern shrimp a hermaphrodite? Does the common sea star secrete glue? Can the northern sea anemone clone itself andlessly? Is the lobster’s bladder in its head?
Insipid bugs or exceptional beings? Discover the exhibition Startling creatures. When science rivals fiction to find answer to these questions.
This exhibiton presents the food chain as well as the subtle balance between fish and the iconic Northern Gannet bird. The Birds and the Sea virtual observation station highlights the diversity of species, the marine habitat and the behavior of these seabirds. Using augmented reality, take a glimpse at four emblematic species living in the Gaspé Peninsula.
Smarter Seafood Exhibit
Smarter Seafood is an eco-guide for consumers, advising on the choice of local fish and seafood, and certification for restaurants and fish markets. This exhibition allows you to learn about sustainable fisheries, the species valued by Smarter Seafood and give you ideas for cooking them.
Travelling Exhibitions
Exploramer is proud to present its exhibitions for rent.
Startling creatures, When science rivals fiction

Promotional sheet – Startling creatures, when sciences rivals fiction
Mysteries beneath the waves
Offer your visitors an incursion into the heart of the St. Lawrence. This bilingual exhibition presents current scientific work around four major themes: physical oceanography, fishing and mariculture, marine biotechnologies and ecological stakes. Laboratory areas allow visitors to put themselves in the researchers’ shoes and practice science.
This exhibition was made possible thanks to the participation of
Partners :
Promotional sheet – Mysteries beneath the waves
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